Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day

Today (well technically yesterday as it is 2 am) my son's school performed a mock election for the student body. The school is a public charter run by conservative christians. When they said election day, I didn't think they would actually be a trial vote for the president. When I picked up my son from school, I asked him what they did and he explained that they voted for who would be in charge of the whole country. I was intrigued about who he had picked because we had not influenced his decision at all. I told him the name of the candidates and he said he had chosen Barack Obama. When I questioned his reasoning behind the choice he said, "Because he has a cool name."

Am I proud that my country has elected the first black president? Absolutely, it was time for that. Am I proud of the person they chose? No, I would have preferred that Alan Keyes had been first African American president, but he wasn't someone that community could get behind because of his strong Christian ties. Was I excited about McCain? Not really, but at least I knew he loved this country, stood for its values and that Palin was a strong enough leader for the both of them. On the surface, both candidates "seemed" to have the same views, but upon closer inspection there were some very crucial differences.

Today voters turned out in droves to support the "cool" presidential candidate, but it is my opinion that just like my son their decision was based on little else. The nation seems enraptured by Obama much the same way they were about Kennedy, but there are some key differences. Obama is the most liberal president we will have to date, we know very little about him personally and it seems to me that he has hidden agendas that will only be fully revealed later.

This will probably be the only post I make about politics, but the reason is simple enough. Do some research and you will see that the groundwork is laid for Christ's return. There are only a few more details to be hashed out. One of those details is the end time revival. I believe we are on the threshold of that precipice and this election is the weight that will swing us toward the rapidly approaching day of return. Whether you are a post or pre-milleniumist, know this, Obama has come to command the most powerful country in the world, but it is only because God allowed it to be so. Even in this there is a purpose.

Be ready folks, we have a wild ride ahead of us. If not in the next four years, I believe within our generation. We have got a job to do, so let's get to it!